Experience Slingshot One-Lock Hydrofoils : Spring 2025

Experience Slingshot One-Lock Hydrofoils : Spring 2025

By now you've likely seen or heard of our new One-Lock foil somewhere online, but the real wow factor comes when experiencing it in REAL LIFE! It's the lightest, strongest, stiffest, most screw-less, friction-less, fastest to put together-less, corrosion-less-ness foil ever built ; ) Get it? In other words, it's the greatest thing to happen to foiling since Kai Lenny connected from one wave to another and blew the brains of waterman across the planet.

Below is a list of events where you'll find Slingshot team members or sales reps and the new One-Lock foil over the next few months...

We invite you to come hang out, talk aspect ratios, and assemble / disassemble the One-Lock hydrofoil to your hearts desire.

As an added bonus, we'll also be offering free hardware, lithium grease, and rusted torx / alan key recycling to all foilers.

Experience Slingshot One-Lock Hydrofoils at the Following Locations

Jan. 22 - 26 - Louisville Boat Show with Lake Cumberland Marine

Location: Louisville, KY

Jan. 25 - Baja Wing Fest @ Vela

Location: Los Barriles, Baja California, Mex


Jan. 31 - Kitesurfing Planet Demo Day

Location: La Ventana, Baja California, Mex


Feb. 2 - 8 - WISSC, 2025 World Ice and Snow Sailing World Championships Kite Riders

Location: Madison, WI


Feb. 6 - 9 - Charlotte Boat Show with South Town Watersports

Location: Charlotte, NC


Feb. 7 - 9 - Wind Games hosted by Otherside Boardsports

Location: Florida Keys


Feb 12 - 16 - Grand Rapids Boat Show with Action Watersports

Location: Grand Rapids, MI


Michael Williams boosting airs on the new One Lock Foil

Michael Williams boosting a massive air on the new Glide 925 wing with 180 Turbo Tail


Feb. 16 - Kitesurfing Planet Demo Day

Location: La Ventana, Baja California, Mex


Feb. 22 - "WING IT" world premier by Trent Carter

Location: La Ventana, Baja California, Mex @ Playa Central Windsports 



Feb. 28 - Kitesurfing Planet Demo Day

Location: La Ventana, Baja California, Mex


March 1 - 2 - Foiling Week

Location: Pensacola Beach, FL


March 7 - Kitesurfing Planet Demo Day

Location: La Ventana, Baja California, Mex


March 7 - 9 - Foil Surf Racing League hosted by Goodbreeze Kiteboarding

Location: Cocoa Beach, FL


March 16 - Kitesurfing Planet Demo Day

Location: La Ventana, Baja California, Mex


May 3 - 4 - Fort2Battery Kite and Wing Foil Race hosted by Force Kite & Wake

Location: James Island Yacht Club - Charleston, SC


Everything you need to assemble a complete One-Lock Foil

Fred Hope is a freak on most any foil, but especially on a One-Lock Glide 725

Front wing swap in a matter of seconds so you can go from a soul session 6 waves back to jumping on wave 1.

Going FULL SEND with the Ease 1250 and 180 Turbo Tail

One Lock Foil Products Coming Soon

One-Lock Glide Front Wing

One-Lock Carbon Mast

One-Lock Carve Tail 200

One-Lock Kite Front Wings

One-Lock Ease Front Wing

One-Lock Verse Tail 270

One-Lock Turbo Tail 180

One-Lock Kite QuickStart Package

One-Lock Wing QuickStart Package

One-Lock Wake QuickStart Package

One-Lock Aluminum Mast

One-Lock HM Carbon Mast

One-Lock Latch

Slingshot T-Lock

RTS Complete Kit

RTS Board Kit

RTS Pedestal Kit