One-Lock: How It Works
One-Lock is the result of over three years of innovation—designing, testing, and refining. Our goal was to eliminate the common frustrations we encountered with our Phantasm and Hover Glide platforms: screws, corrosion, and the need for tools. But while solving these issues, we also had to maintain top-tier performance and keep weight to a minimum. With One-Lock, we’ve achieved all of that—and more.
At the heart of the design, we had to tackle three key challenges:
- Creating an adjustable system
- Ensuring a stiff, secure connection
- Developing a completely new locking mechanism
These challenges stemmed from our decision to eliminate screws entirely. In traditional foil systems, screws act as a crutch to hold everything together. Without them, we needed a smarter solution.
The Adjustable System
Achieving a perfect fit with carbon is incredibly difficult—especially without screws to take up any extra space. Our foil designer, Bobby, had a breakthrough: a system that slides and self-adjusts to account for slight variations in construction and carbon wear over time.
In this design, the stabilizer—now integrated into the rear half of the fuselage—slides into the bottom of the mast, or collar. If there’s extra space in the collar, the stab automatically slides in further. Think of it as a “slack take-up” system that continuously ensures a tight, precise fit. This innovation keeps the foil locked in place no matter how many sessions you ride, maintaining a rock-solid connection over time.
A Stiff, Secure Connection
Traditionally, foil systems use a redesigned Tuttle connection, where the mast wedges into the fuselage. This design works—but it relies on screws to stay tight. Without screws, we needed an alternative that would provide the same (or better) level of rigidity.
The solution? A Triangular Locking Concept.
Imagine wedging a doorstop under a door. The further you push it in, the more it locks the door in place. That’s exactly how our system works.
If you look at the three core components—the stab, front wing, and mast collar—you’ll notice three interlocking triangles. The stabilizer slides underneath the front wing’s neck, while the top of the front wing wedges into the mast collar. As the stabilizer pushes in, the entire system expands inside the collar, locking everything together with increasing pressure. The result is a connection as tight (or tighter) than anything on the market—without the need for screws.
A Revolutionary Locking Mechanism
Of course, foiling isn’t static. Unlike a door wedge, which holds under minimal force, our system needs to handle extreme forces from every direction—carving hard turns, landing backflips, and even mid-air board-offs. It needed a mechanism that could keep everything locked together through all of it.
Instead of screws, we developed a clamping latch.
This latch pulls the entire system together when clamped down, holding everything snug. Three key elements make it work:
- A precision-shaped latch – Designed to gradually increase load as it tightens, ensuring maximum security.
- Dyneema cable – The same ultra-strong, low-stretch material used in world-class racing sailboats. It’s incredibly durable without becoming brittle over time.
- An adjustable pin – Since carbon can wear slightly over time, we needed a way to keep the system tight indefinitely. By twisting the pin, riders can fine-tune the cable tension, ensuring a locked-in feel even after years of use.
The Result:
By solving these three core challenges, we didn’t just eliminate the problems of screws, corrosion, and tools—we created a foil that outperforms traditional systems in every way.
One-Lock isn’t just easier to use. It’s lighter, more hydrodynamic, and significantly stiffer. We’ve designed a foil that feels smoother, more responsive, and is easier to use than anything we’ve ever ridden
And did I mention you can assemble it in under ten seconds?